
Showing posts from July, 2023

Read Everything - Conclusion

STATEMENT FROM R BENNETT & CREW H.I.3 Case  Read everything. Gain an understanding  ---------------------------------------------------------------- July 24, 2023 Read Everything - Conclusion  Feel free to read, review & refer back to all content in the 11-25 hours + blogger description of the overall H.I.3 Case Keep organized so you do not re-read a post, page or photo album description the first time over-lapping including all working & broken links The global public is welcome to read, copy & save as PDF to print or save & refer back to making copies or to review on the Meta: Facebook & blogger pages  All international legal aspects are described with accuracy. All threads are based on the one lab using threats during tactile interrogation face to face & wirelessly using emotional & fill in the blank strategic questioning with mild, moderate to severe & extreme force causing temporary & permanent injuries --------------...

H.I.3 - All Links "Master"

MASTER LINKS - EVERY DETAIL  Everything you need to know... H.I.3 - All Links "Master" June 21, 2023 - Join hundreds of millions H.I.3 Case Havana International 3+ with Framework  Last update. H.I.3 You can read & review the blogger pages that accompany the 11-25 hours description of the Havana International 3+ case within 5 hours or under 10 accurately as it all goes together as a learned craft intertwined within the ciminal legal case alongside recorded & documented evidence with traced correspondence  There is a school in how to operate, learned & function taught with accuracy within that a lot of persons & groups feel is a strong additive to their own separate lives, education & methods READ EVERYTHING - SCROLL DOWN ----------- Join millions. Read, read thoroghly. Review all content & information as it all goes together as one. Each blogger post here & Meta: Facebook portfolio page & time line - main page post plus photograph with descr...

Retaliation 2023-2024

HAVANA INTERNATIONAL 3+  Retaliation 2023-2024  July 21, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- FULL SCALE COUNTER ATTACKS ----------------- We are executing every human being that operated at & with the three clusters of Ontario labs regardless  If you made one comment between 1985-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023  You all have two options: Option 1 Plead guilty to authorities Canadian authorities & media in court on Canadian soil to review recorded & documented evidence plus traced offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication  Instructions  Simply contact local Police. Have them read the 11-25 hours & blogger pages description on the H.I.3 Case & accompanying recorded & documented evidence will be forwarded to that detachment for review through cypress International Biotechnology in Montreal, Quebec, Canada  The Police officers are welcome to read making time...

Introduction. H.I.3

Rothschild Bennett - H.I.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Final update. July 24, 2023 Last page in the 11-25 hours + blogger pages description of the H.I.3 Case receiving updates past July 24, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- READ EVERYTHING Every Meta: Facebook profile & blogger page is completely different yet connected Review UN Member Nation laws & geogrpahic appropriate common sense  On minors ages 0-18 On adults ages 18-100+   Read everything thoroughly. The content is pertaining to criminal case H.I.3 with victim affected as minors & adults Rothschild - Bennett  Simple summary Brains of humans hooked up to own as robots wirelessly using experimental technologies Introduction. H.I.3 THE 11-25 HOURS + BLOGGER PAGES Havana International 3+ H.I.3 Case 30-60 hours. A few hours. A night. Record each section of the Meta: Facebook pro...

2024 Celebrations

ROTHSCHILD - BENNETT 2024 Celebrations July 16, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- A new chapter for Syd & Nicole Rothschild Bennett HAVANA CASE CONCLUDE. H.I.3 Resolution. CIG $10+ US Bn settlement then efforts to go after those involved operating at & with the three clusters of Ontario labs  EDUCATION CELEBRATION.  10 year anniversary of Dr Sydney Bennett effort in completing a Physics degree effectively becoming a Phycicist after becoming a Medical Doctor in 2011 WEDDING. The legal marriage July 1, 2023. Legal wedding spring 2024  NEW HOUSE. New lakeside or other large Estate house of Syd & Nicole Rothschild - Bennett  NEW SCHEDULE & HOLIDAYS. Daily schedule + efforts to manage personal & CIG international investments  NEW RESTRUCTURED PORTFOLIO. Alterations to personal & CIG international investment portfolios then maintenance  ----------------------------------------------------------------...

Private Access 2024 Resolution

H.I.3 CASE RESOLUTION  Private Access 2024 Resolution  July 13, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- H.I.3 CASE PUBLIC DISCLOSURES  Any copied - shared profile content we will just disregard as potentially relating to the actual resolved case as notes  We will make the Meta: Facebook profiles set to only me & screened friends account accessible only revoking public access  We will make the connected Blogger profiles set to only me & screened friends account accessible only revoking public access  You will have to request to legally review content  Log in credentials encrypted review or in-person print & digital access 2024 onward. Public until decided negotiated 2024 April or later date  -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- BACKED UP COPIES - STORED GLOBALLY  CIG & connecting interests ...

Holy War - H.I.3

HAVANA INTERNATIONAL 3+ Holy War - H.I.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT WE ARE  International laws. Strict law abiding  Religious belief laws. Strict Governance  Baptized Holy Catholic. Freemason - Bevarian Masonic Illuminati  Royal bloodline - Elite of 30 : 5000 elite families  -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr Sydney Bennett - Knight. Consort. 33rd. High priest turned mentor god Birth city. North Bay, Ontario, Canada Heterosexual - straight law abiding strict, firm religious person. Family, health & career oriented  European: Mediterranean background. White. German. Swiss. French. Italian Dutch - UK English relatives  One dNA daughter. Married to Nicole R Bennett  One sibling. Jordan R Savage Bennett  Accurate medical charts: no non-visible or visible mental or physical disability - handicaps or conditions. No a...

Rothschild Bennett - H.I.3

Rothschild Bennett - H.I.3 Every Meta: Facebook profile & blogger page is completely different yet connected Review UN Member Nation laws & geogrpahic appropriate common sense  On minors ages 0-18 On adults ages 18-100+   Read everything thoroughly. The content is pertaining to criminal case H.I.3 with victim affected as minors & adults Rothschild - Bennett  Simple summary Brains of humans hooked up to own as robots wirelessly using experimental technologies  OPERATIVES AT THREE ON LABS  July 11, 2023 Hunting of H.I.3 Terrorists - Canada  -------------------------------------------------------------------- UNMASKING ALL THE TERRORISTS  Unmasking everyone & exposing everyone that operated with & at the three clusters of Ontario labs daily  Rod Paul Bennett was not selling his wife Marie or children Jordan & Nic or himself as wireless slave prisoners to the three clusters of Ontario labs to own, operate & experiment ...

Four Bennett's - Brad Pitt

LAWSUIT AGAINST HOLLYWOOD  Four Bennett's - Brad Pitt  July 10, 2023  -------------------------------------------------------------------- This is what celebrity high profile actors,  actresse's, writers, directors, musicians & bands plus athletes, politicians + everyone else connected in Canada, USA & internationally PEOPLE ARE CAUGHT  --------------------------------------------------------------------- NEGOTIATIONS WENT IN A LETHAL DIRECTION The days of the four Bennett's & those connected globally being "kind" about these interests while negotiating a resolution over H.I.3 are officially over July 10, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- LAWSUIT AGAINST HOLLYWOOD  The Hollywood - Film + television & media Rod, Marie, Jordan & Sydney Savage Bennett are suing every celebrity high profile actor, actress, musician, band, writer & athlete We as a family are suing everyone in Hollywood & those i...

Rothschild Bennett - H.I.3

Rothschild Bennett - H.I.3 Every Meta: Facebook profile & blogger page is completely different yet connected Review UN Member Nation laws & geogrpahic appropriate common sense  On minors ages 0-18 On adults ages 18-100+   Read everything thoroughly. The content is pertaining to criminal case H.I.3 with victim affected as minors & adults Rothschild - Bennett  Simple summary Brains of humans hooked up to own as robots wirelessly using experimental technologies 

Victims H.I.3 - Ontario

H.I.3 ONTARIO CANADA  July 10, 2023  North Bay, Ontario, Canada - neuro-tech labs Planned lawsuit over H.I.3 - Victims  --------------------------------------------------------------------- The three clusters of Ontario labs attempts to brutally murder the four Bennett's between 2012-2023  Banding together as a power in numbers strategy through offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication  THE FOUR VICTIMS SEPARATE FROM OTHERS  Havana Syndrome attack victims  Sexuality & gender of the four Bennett's ROD Rod Stargrat Bennett  Straight heterosexual male. Conservative traditional  MARY  Mary "Marie" Susan Savage Bennett  Straight heterosexual female. Conservative traditional  JORDAN  Jordan Bennett Straight heterosexual male. Conservative traditional  NIC  Nic Savage Bennett  Straight heterosexual male. Conservative traditional  HOW THE FOUR WERE HOOKED UP The four were lured in by...

Terms + Conditions - July 9, 2023

ROTHSCHILD - BENNETT  Terms + Conditions as updated July 9, 2023 Nothings changed daily January 2016-July 9, 2023 ongoing  -------------------------------------------------------------------- You, any person or group can read any blogger or Meta: Facebook profile connecting in description of the Havana International 3+ Case  BLOGGER PAGES  You, any person, group or Government & third party international interests cannot Log in & edit posts in our blogger pages review of the H.I.3 Case  META: FACEBOOK PAGES  You, any person, group or Government & third party international interests cannot  Log in & edit posts in our Meya: Facebook pages review of the H.I.3 Case  Those caught logging in will be traced & international legal action will result due to security threats associated  Terms + Conditions - July 9, 2023 Blogger + Meta: Facebook Terms + Rothschild - Bennett with CIG terms  Terms of service are the legal agreements...

Rothschild - Bennett H.I.3

Rothschild - Bennett H.I.3 Each Meta: Facebook page + post & blogger page is very different yet include similar or the same reminder posts intertwined within  This assisted with memory retention while reading through & watching content corresponding with  You can refer between pages & really gain an understanding of the overall H.I.3 Case  Dr Sydney Bennett  RESTRICTIONS ON 4 BENNETT LOCK DOWNS  Restrictions applied on four Bennett's between 2012-2023 + others separate from prior 1980's-1999 & 2000-2011 No or controlled supervised use of Internet No being alone & controlled supervised use of their own bodies for themselves vocally, physically & psychologically using wireless neuro-tech Supervising teams with operating handles monitoring & controlling while questioning & criticizing every physical unmanned movement head to toe plus all thought, imagination & memory access extending to if the subjects take unmanned control ...

Retaliation + H.I.3

RETALATION OVER H.I.3 CASE July 9, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- PERMISSION TO KILL ILLEGALLY  -------------------------------------------------------------------- First: always kill for money that can be legally transferred without investigative questioning in a suspicious way  Second: Clean undectable kills  Feel free to. Kidnap those recorded & traced documented & caught operating with or at the three clusters of Ontario labs Take them for their earned assets & money forcing legal transfers through different efforts then erase them & those close in staged accidents or disappearances Share profit or just enjoy for catching them & document how they must have been involved in something or a neuro-tech lab Use a look-a-like if you must otherwise clean body bag wrap killings minimizing a mess using sanitary medical grade methods & gloves plus a plastic suit that can be melted or re-used then barry as...

Rothschild - Bennett H.I.3

Rothschild - Bennett H.I.3 Each Meta: Facebook page + post & blogger page is very different yet include similar or the same reminder posts intertwined within  This assisted with memory retention while reading through & watching content corresponding with  You can refer between pages & really gain an understanding of the overall H.I.3 Case  Dr Sydney Bennett  RESTRICTIONS ON 4 BENNETT LOCK DOWNS  Restrictions applied on four Bennett's between 2012-2023 + others separate from prior 1980's-1999 & 2000-2011 No or controlled supervised use of Internet No being alone & controlled supervised use of their own bodies for themselves vocally, physically & psychologically using wireless neuro-tech Supervising teams with operating handles monitoring & controlling while questioning & criticizing every physical unmanned movement head to toe plus all thought, imagination & memory access extending to if the subjects take unmanned control ...

Mike Pallangio + North Bay

TARGETS IN CANADIAN  Mike Pallangio + North Bay  July 9, 2023  -------------------------------------------------------------------- MIKE + STUPID FAT NERDO QUEER SNOWBOARD PERSON  Counter attacks on North Bay, Ontario, Canada & area  Persons that lived there,  those that relocated & others connected  We are having everyone from the North Bay & area brutally slaughter to death wireless that had operated at the North Bay neuro-tech labs or with between 1980's-2023  If you were vocally mentioned & contacted  - Family & extended family + those connected past & present  Ages 0-17 & those 18-100+  If you were vocally mentioned & not contacted  - Family & extended family + those connected past & present  Ages 0-17 & those 18-100+  Boardsports + every interest which may or may not have connected  Cheapskates - If you worked at, owned or visited & or purchased items here in ...