Rothschild - Bennett family
Rothschild - Bennett family Efforts taken by the three cluster of Ontario labs: threat labs versus Cypress International Biotechnology investigations over Jordan & Sydney Bennett plus other victims of 2012-2023 terror attacks & efforts taken between 1980's-2011 RESPONSE PLAN Courts or early deaths. Investigations into all offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication plus neuro-investigations H.I.3 Case - Reaction & Response plan Killing everyone that had physically stepped foot in the three cluster groups of Ontario lab locations between 2023-2025 or prior to 2026 if they are not already deceased or incarcerated 1980's-2011 & daily again between 2012-2023 Past-present 24 hour rotational teams Volunteers Guests flown in & driven in Persons & groups connected & contacted Those operating as accomplices voluntarily or involuntarily -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVANCED CORP...