Small Incidents + False Flag Esq


June 30, 2023

Small Incidents + False Flag Esq 


Using small events as an ah, excuse for a larger agenda to provoke change & to take target citizens lives using multiple layered covers & separate events as distraction like a desert mirage leaving people focused on what it was whike a while other agenda is account plished at the same time going unnoticed  


Newfound Governing Public & Private policies & standards in security & trade 

New social order & law plus awareness 

Insurance claims plus new insurance pool policies 

Instigating mass change country wide nationally & internationally creating global standards in social order & international travel & trade 


Global population + Cypress International Biotechnology 


Positive legal social events

- Infiltration during H.I.3 investigations using different offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication 

- Replacement the look-a-lies where we can & networked mass detachable wireless drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll technology connecting 50-90% of each countries population 

Caught allies that operated at & with the three Ontario labs 

Positive illegal social events

- Infiltration during H.I.3 investigations using different offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication

- Replacement the look-a-lies where we can & networked mass detachable wireless drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll technology connecting 50-90% of each countries population 

Caught allies that operated at & with the three Ontario labs

Negative legal social events

- Infiltration during H.I.3 investigations using different offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication

- Replacement the look-a-lies where we can & networked mass detachable wireless drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll technology connecting 50-90% of each countries population 

Caught allies that operated at & with the three Ontario labs

Negative illegal social events 

- Infiltration during H.I.3 investigations using different offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication

- Replacement the look-a-lies where we can & networked mass detachable wireless drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll technology connecting 50-90% of each countries population 

Caught allies that operated at & with the three Ontario labs




January 2024

9 Billion Detachable Mind Packets 

- Main Packets 

- Intermidiary devices 

used to hook bodies up to the main devices held despised in different under ground bunkers & sky scrapers 

50 billion detachable mind packets manufactured between 2024-2030 in the event of outerspace to earth visitors as a means to communicate 


Covid 19 Vaccines like others & flu shots are a result of the H.I.3 Case + refusal to negotiate 



Efforts to trace signals from affected persons 

Cypress International Biotechnology 

MK Armies 

Ages 0-17 minors

- Drafted persons 

Consented ops

Forced leverage legally + privately for involvement the in X as prisoners 

Ages 18-100+ adults 

- Drafted persons 

Consented ops

Forced leverage legally + privately for involvement the in X as prisoners

A careful designed & or castrated public status quo daily

In media + events

Public at large - general populations 




Affected persons we can trave to a GPS location & investigate having their bodies hooked up without knowing then take charge of the location, moving devices & transferring funds for damages then we review & take control leaving the affected person unmanned recorded in our network within Cypress International Biotechnology 

We will just take everyone over as permanent or detachable drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll controlled human beings revoking them vocal, physical & psychological control of the body  

Past conflict is no longer 

Arms as deterrent & sanction controls remain similar just with this new mass populous ability in taking control of the human body using detachable wireless technology 

11-25 hours + blogger pages description of the H.I.3 Case is the ground work to the new world

Utilitarian Utopia + Equality for masses by Martial law force 

Specific areas of Government standardized 

Earth's history + race & culture numbers upheld 

Global monetary systems standardized 


A global standard & public status quo upheld with quality of life 

Threat labs will cease operations

Third party & concerning Government or private labs will cease operations 

The majority of the global population, over 7.5 Billion yet under 7.8 Billion will be monitored unmanned recorded through a mass network system where intervention can occur with a login or software or human team combination 

200-900 Million will be unmanned or free yet connected to Cypress International Biotechnology 


A reviewing digital metric will determine financial - social place in society 

Review of thought, imagination & memory determining natural emotional - social traits & communication, reaction & response traits 

Demerits minors starting with 

Demerits adults starting with 


Demerits for

Demerits against 

- Amounting to arrest & incarceration + court cases

Demerits re-earned

Prison systems in demerits against past threshold  

Detention practices approved 

- Ultra mild warning 

Sound into skull-ears 

- Mild

Partial to almost full control of body take over vocally, physically & psychologically left in context seamlessly by log in + software or software or & human team combinations  

- Moderate

Partial to almost full control of body take over vocally, physically & psychologically left in context seamlessly by log in + software or software or & human team combinations

Adding pain levels causing temporary injuries 

- Severe 

Partial to almost full control of body take over vocally, physically & psychologically left in context seamlessly by log in + software or software or & human team combinations

Adding pain levels causing temporary to permanent injuries 

- Extreme  

Partial to almost full control of body take over vocally, physically & psychologically left in context seamlessly by log in + software or software or & human team combinations

Adding pain levels causing permanent injuries requiring surgical intervention + physiotherapy 

Audible + vocal, physical & psychological detention 

All internal organs. Bodily function 


Eyesight - See through eyes 

Hearing - Hear through ears  

Taste, touch & smell 

Circulation, lungs-breathing, muscles head to toe + facial muscles 

Detention practices not approved 

- Causing temporary to permanent injuries 

Execution practices in rare cases 

- Causing almost or actual death 


Rothschild - Bennett 


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