Official Retirement - H.I.3 Bennett +


2024-2090+ plan

September 14, 2023 for January 1, 2024

Official Retirement - H.I.3 Bennett +


After negotiations over the H.I.3 case. We as a group of connected families decided to retire & don't want to be bothered. There will be no film, arts or television series produced for public on us legally allowed


We have decided to retire now fall 2023. Our investment Group PT Group - CIG will continue operating to maintain our financial portfolios strategically from Montreal, Quebec Canada with international reps 

PT Group as a company including the portfolio shared in the Meta: Facebook 11-25 hours & Blogger pages description of the H.I.3 case along with 10 terabyte hard drives & PDF copies covering between 1980's-2023 & on-going between September 1, 2023 onward belong to PT Group - CIG 

All concepts, inventions, copyrights, trademarks, patents, prototypes & works within internationally belong to PT Group - CIG minus descriptions referencing & linking to other interests we respected in the past 

PT Group - CIG interests 

Personal earned created strategic pensions & maintained assets 

CIG Portfolio A - Multi-Billionaire

Dr Carly K.S Bennett, Dr Tekari Y Bennett with Nikki Koslov Born in 1980's

$1-5+ Million US dollars monthly 

Children of

CIG Portfolio B - Multi-Billionaire

Dr Nicolas Bennett & Tatiana Bennett born in 1980's-1990's

$2-5+ Million US dollars monthly 

Children of 

CIG Portfolio C - Multi-Billionaire

Patrick R Bennett & Nicole R Bennett born 1970's-1980's

$1-5+ Million US dollars monthly 

CIG Children of 

The three families are no longer connected to the Bevarian Masonic Illuminati yet remain connected to rue cypress Montreal - Neurological Technology labs & international interests connecting with PT Group - CIG

Advanced international investment strategies & taxation for returns, income, properties & travel plus health-dental & goods undisclosed publicly 



Security & private residence crew + screened guests 


Retirement routine. Virtually connecting with Montreal PT Group - CIG office 


Exercise schedule 

Loose morning retirement schedule 



Loose day retirement schedule

Health - dental 

Children's education schedules 



Loose even retirement schedule

Exercise schedule 


Loose night retirement schedule


We may consider leasing or selling right to use items within our portfolio within & outside the Meta: Facebook 11-25 hours & Blogger pages description of H.I.3


PT Group - CIG Investment Group


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