Introduction to the H.I.3 case


Introduction to the H.I.3 case 

Each Meta: Facebook 11-25 hours social profiles & associated connected Blogger pages describe differently in all time-line main pages & photo albums in text with images the entire legal case accurately 

The events documented &,recorded between 1980's-2023 with each profile & page all connected with intertwined information leading to an overall bigger picture describing in accuracy everything all interests involved, connected or those affected with legal representation need to know 

Read all pages thoroughly in detail slowly over 30-60 hours or under 1 month after work hours for a few hours & gain the same understanding millions understand within & outside Canada since prior to 2015 privately & publicly between 2016-2023 with latest update October 1, 2023

1980'S-1990'S NORTH BAY & AREA

Ontario Canada 

The Yuppy Toronto brothers Bennett in separate yet connected lives as adults. Young professionals of wealth & investments with respectful careers 

I, Dr Sydney N Bennett was just a school age child living at my parents Rod & Marie Savage Bennett's earned home they owned in Astorville in Ontario Canada on Catharine Drive up the street from the Loblaws Freshmart owned then by the Perron family which we knew as our neighbors 

My brother Jordan 18 months my senior lived there with us in an adjacent room as we had our own rooms. Our father Rod was a food broker, rep investor while our mother was a pharmacy tech & nurse that worked for our fathers business to support us while growing up

We were registered as Corbiel Ferris Glen Public School students when the responsible North Bay area neurological technology labs lured us in for something else & permanently connected our bodies to illegally monitor & or monitor & control our bodies despite having done nothing alongside our parents illegal, criminal or fraudulent & nothing to negatively affect any one person or group

We grew up fighting for control of our own bodies for ourselves while earning credentials & developing social lives & careers

Michael Persinger of then Laurention University & Dr Mary Koslov of McGill University with Rue Cypress Montreal neurological technology labs intervened in an investigation spanning between 1990's-2023 with Michael Persinger of then Laurention University leaving the investigation upon his death in 2018

Negotiations to settle & unmanned between 1990's-2011 in or outside of court failed spawning an attack with interests involved sabotaging in efforts to negatively affect, isolate, discredit, rip off then hold down or execute our family then others on record while everyone involved & connected was identified, traced & exposed 

The attacks spanned between 2012-2023 & have yet to end daily now October 2023

Jordan Bennett

Sydney N Bennett

Our parents sold the Astorville house & we moved to Callander to Cedar Lane just south of North Bay to be close to family in 1998 of August & while we moved out as adults in the 2000's to support ourselves they remained until they moved to Southern Ontario in 2014 in retirement since 2012 living off their own earned pensions they set up for themselves 

Cities Rule. Canadian Political Landscape 

The House - Canadian Political Party

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The House


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